What Does Under Offer mean in the UK?


What is Under Offer?

Under offer typically signifies that a bidder has made an offer on a property, and the seller is considering accepting or declining the offer. Many realtors, however, use it instead of selling STC, suggesting that the seller has accepted an offer on the property but that the documentation has yet to be executed.

Using ‘under offer’ helps the property appear more accessible than using sold STC’; therefore, some real estate agents may use it as a technique to push other interested parties to move quickly, whether it’s organizing a viewing or making an offer.

Conditions that must be fulfilled

When a property is on the market, there are frequent stipulations attached. After these prerequisites are satisfied, the property can be put up for sale. The following are some of the most frequent conditions:

1. Depending on finances

Depending on Finances

In so many circumstances, a purchaser may condition their offers to obtain financing to buy the commercial property, which will allow the buyer time to do so. Buyers may even get a lender’s mortgage pre-approval but run into trouble when it comes time to have their mortgage application unconditionally authorized.

Suppose the buyer is unable to obtain a home loan. In that case, even if the lender values the property at less than the sale price, the property will be removed from the market and made available to other possible purchasers.

2. Under consideration for the sale

Subject to sale condition is placed on a property under contract whenever the buyer has to sell their current house first before they can afford to buy their new home. Nevertheless, this situation might make things difficult. The purchaser’s property may take longer to produce than planned, and the seller may become frustrated.

Furthermore, the buyer may not receive the amount they anticipated from their sale and therefore fall short of what the seller desires for their house. These scenarios might result in the deal falling through and the house becoming available once more.

3. Building and pest inspections are required

That’s the stage at which the buyer receives reports from trained inspectors on any existing or prospective issues with the house. Cracking in concrete or thermalite blocks, drainage issues, fungus, ceiling issues, and, of course, pests are all potential hazards. Issues like these may cause the buyer to back out of the deal.

What happens when a house goes on the market?

What happens when a house goes on the market

Under offer again for the seller indicates you’ve received an offer on your home and have therefore accepted or denied it, or you’re still contemplating it. When your home is under contract, you do not have to remove it from the market at once; instead, you can continue to enable people to view and make offers on your home.

At the moment of under-offer, it is the buyer’s job to move the process forward, whether that is pressing to have their offer accepted, pushing to have the home designated as sold STC, or pushing to go through the conveyancer procedure so you may exchange and finalize.

What is the difference between Under Offer and Under contract?

When a property is under contract, it is one step closer to being sold than if it is under offer. Property is under contract whenever the bid is accepted, and both the buyer and seller sign similar, binding legal contracts.

As previously stated, the property is under offer whenever a buyer’s offer is accepted. Still, the sale is conditional – one or more criteria must be completed before the property is transferred.

Is it possible to view a property if it is under offer?

Is it Possible to view a property if it is under offer

Look away quickly, unless you’re a buyer! While a property is under contract, the owner may still allow visitors to view it. You can still enable visitors to view the property until the transfer time because there is no legal obligation for either side until this point.

Nonetheless, it could be argued that as you progress with a client, this becomes a little biased, and it may damage your rapport with them.

As a buyer, you can ask the seller to remove the property from the market to avoid other parties viewing it, but the seller is under no compulsion. It is more advantageous for the seller to leave the property on the market when it is simply under offer.

Another bidder may come up with a greater offer, or other relevant individuals might be on standby in case things go wrong with the present buyer.


Gazumping occurs whenever a prospective bidder makes a greater proposal than the present one, and the vendor accepts it. It used to be a bit of a plague, but it’s less prevalent now, and so many estate agencies have rules in place to help avoid it.

When you see a residence under offer or Subject to Contract, it is effectively still on the market until contracts are exchanged.

What are the steps to complete after accepting the house?

  • Mark the property as sold – As a seller, attempt to avoid doing as much as necessary. It is because if you promptly register your home as sold. Still, anything goes wrong later; other interested parties will likely have gone on, leaving you scrambling to find somebody suitable. On the other hand, the buyer will want you to designate the home as sold as quickly as possible to reduce their chances of being gazumped.
  • Exchange these contracts – Exchange the agreements as quickly as possible! This makes the agreement legally enforceable, which means no one can back out, and you can tell you’re on the home stretch. If you’re purchasing, the exchange is where you’ll need to put down your deposit, so make sure you have it ready.
  • Settlement – This is the point at which the transaction is completed. You pay the seller the balance of the contract price and receive the keys to your new house. The timeframe between contractual exchange and settlement is known as the settlement period, and it can last anything from one to three months.
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