How To Master Your Interview Technique With Applicants?

How To Master Your Interview Technique With Applicants

In today’s competitive job market, mastering the art of interviewing is crucial for selecting the right candidates for your organisation.

This article provides a comprehensive guide to refining your interview techniques, specifically tailored to the UK job market. We will explore various strategies, from preparing and conducting interviews to making informed decisions.

Preparing for the Interview

Understanding the Role

Understanding the Role

Begin by gaining a thorough understanding of the job requirements and the type of candidate who would best fit the role. This involves reviewing the job description and person specification and speaking with the team to understand their needs and expectations.

Crafting Questions

Develop a list of questions that are tailored to the role. These should assess both technical skills and soft skills such as communication, problem-solving, and teamwork. The use of behavioural and situational questions is particularly effective in gauging a candidate’s real-world capabilities.

Remember, when dealing with an internal candidate, internal candidate interview questions should be crafted to understand their existing knowledge of the company and their vision for their new role.

It’s essential to be aware of UK employment law to avoid discriminatory questions. Questions about age, marital status, religion, or plans for children are off-limits. Ensure all questions are job-related and fair.

Conducting the Interview

Creating a Welcoming Environment

Creating a Welcoming Environment

Set a positive tone for the interview. Welcome the candidates warmly, offer them a drink, and ensure the interview space is comfortable and free from distractions. This helps candidates relax and perform at their best.

Effective Communication

Active listening is key. Allow the candidate to express their thoughts and experiences without interruption. Ask follow-up questions for clarification and to delve deeper into their responses. Non-verbal cues such as nodding and maintaining eye contact also play a significant role in effective communication.


To ensure fairness and make it easier to compare candidates, maintain a consistent structure and set of questions for each interview. This does not mean the interview should be overly rigid—allow for flexibility to explore interesting points raised by the candidate.

Post-Interview Evaluation

Assessing the Candidate

After the interview, review your notes and assess the candidate against the job criteria. Consider both their experience and potential for growth. It’s helpful to use a scoring system to objectively compare candidates.

Seeking Feedback

If the candidate interacts with other team members, get their feedback. Different perspectives can provide a more rounded view of the candidate’s suitability.

Timely Decision-Making

Timely Decision-Making

Aim to make a decision swiftly. Prolonged decision-making can lead to losing top candidates to other offers. Once a decision is made, provide feedback to all candidates, whether successful or not.

The Art of Refinement

Recall that conducting interviews is a talent that can be enhanced by repetition and introspection. After every interview, give yourself some space to consider what went well and what may be better. This continuous learning approach is vital to mastering your interview technique.

Harnessing the Power of Reflection

In conclusion, mastering your interview technique is an ongoing journey of refinement. By preparing thoroughly, conducting interviews effectively, and evaluating candidates objectively, you can significantly enhance your ability to select the right talent for your organisation.

Each interview is a learning opportunity—embrace it, reflect on it, and use it to continually evolve your approach. The power of reflection is your greatest ally in mastering the art of interviewing.

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