Concrete With Wood – Interesting Combinations of Wooden Elements With Microcement Flooring

concrete with wood


Concrete and wood are two materials that have fascinated architects and interior designers for centuries. Each has its own unique texture and character, but it is their combination that creates incredible harmony in a space. Micro concrete, also known as concrete cire or microcement, when combined with the warm and natural charm of wood, becomes the perfect choice for those looking for modern yet cosy arrangements. Together, these two components create unique and original spaces that are eye-catching and memorable. In this article, we take a look at how microcement and wood can work together to create unique and stylish interiors.

Warmth and Rawness – the Ideal Composition in Interiors

Warmth and Rawness - the Ideal Composition in Interiors

Contemporary interiors are increasingly combining different materials to create a unique effect. Wood, with its warm and cosy aura, has always been considered one of the most versatile finishing materials. Micro concrete, on the other hand, brings an austerity and modernity to interiors, and at the same time an unexpected subtlety. When these two elements are combined, the result is a distinctive combination that is surprisingly contrasting yet harmonious. The slightly rough texture of concrete cire contrasts perfectly with the softness and graininess of the wooden surfaces. Together, they create a composition that is both innovative and timeless, combining the best qualities of both materials.

Bringing Spaces to Life Through Contrasts

Bringing Spaces to Life Through Contrasts

Micro concrete, although relatively new to the interiors industry, has gained recognition for its versatility and aesthetics reminiscent of natural concrete. When it meets wood, it creates not only an interesting visual contrast, but also a sensory one. To the touch, the cool concrete cire contrasts with the warmth and smoothness of the wooden elements. This combination works well in a variety of spaces – from the bedroom to the living room to the kitchen. Imagine a light oak table set on a dark micro concrete floor. Or a wall finished in concrete cire, which is surrounded by wooden shelves. This play of materials not only brings the interior to life, but also adds depth, creating a space that will always seem fresh and intriguing.

Practical Advantages of Combining Micro Concrete With Wood

Practical Advantages of Combining Micro Concrete With Wood

In addition to the obvious aesthetic advantages, the combination of micro concrete and wood brings with it many practical benefits. Here are some of them:

1. Durability and resistance: microcement is an extremely durable material that is resistant to damage or stains. When combined with properly protected wood, they create surfaces that will last for years.

2. Ease of maintenance: microcement and wood are a combination of aesthetics and functionality. Both materials are distinguished by their ease of care, guaranteeing easy maintenance.

3. Versatility in design: Micro concrete allows the creation of a wide variety of finishes and textures, which can be complemented by different types and colours of wood.

4. Improved acoustics: Wood naturally absorbs sound and micro concrete helps with sound insulation, making them an ideal tandem, especially in spacious interiors.

The use of these two materials in the same interior not only adds character, but also makes it more functional and practical for everyday use.

Summary – Uniqueness and Harmony in One

The combination of microcement and wood is a fusion that is gaining popularity among interior designers. Micro concrete adds rawness and modern style to a space, while wood brings warmth and naturalness to an interior. Together, they create an atmosphere that is both cosy and modern. By using these two materials in the same room, a balance between traditional and contemporary design can be achieved, creating spaces that are not only beautiful, but also functional and durable. Whether you are aiming to create a space with a tranquil atmosphere or want to bring in a touch of urban character, concrete cire combined with wood will be an excellent choice.

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