Top Reasons to Work with Professional Penetration Testing Providers

As we move towards everything becoming digital, cyber security threats are increasing exponentially. Cyberattacks are getting more and more sophisticated which means hackers are going after all businesses no matter the size.

If a breach is found and exploited, your business’s reputation and data could be at risk. This is why you need penetration testing providers.

Companies of today are kept safe thanks to these companies that use penetration testing to mimic cyberattacks that may occur in the real world.

By finding and testing the weak points in your technology before the bad guys get to them, penetration testing providers can help maintain the trust of your customers and the safety of their information. But, why can’t you just rely on your in-house IT team to do this?

What are the Top Reasons to Work with Professional Penetration Testing Providers?

Expertise Beyond In-House Teams

Cybersecurity is always changing and it can be difficult to keep up with the newest threats and vulnerabilities. While your IT team ensures your company runs effectively, they are most likely not up to snuff to provide penetration testing to the level of the provider.

Trustworthy penetration testing providers have experience and knowledge about the dark arts of hacking. They know exactly what the bad guys use to get into your network, and that includes absolutely everything. Outsiders are able to tell where a vulnerability might be that your in-office team simply won’t know about.

Access to Cutting-Edge Tools and Techniques

Professional penetration testing providers use tools that are created especially for the industry and replicate what happens during a cyberattack fairly well.

For example, the provider may use social engineering in order to see what happens. If they were to send a phishing email, how many people would click on it? Or, simply run a tool that scans your network for misconfigurations or software that is out of date.

Ensuring Compliance with Industry Standards

While compliance is a headache to just about anyone in any industry, companies and organisations rely on the rules set by GDPR, HIPAA, or PCI DSS in order to keep data safe.

Failing these requirements may result in costly penalties and a big hit to your reputation that you just can’t recover from.

Tailored Solutions for Different Business Needs

Another reason to use an experienced penetration tester rather than an in-house team is that your company isn’t like any other. As well as the risks associated with your company’s risk profile, your infrastructure and apps are different too.

For example, a small e-commerce platform is nothing like a bank, as such they don’t pose the same risk and shouldn’t really be tested the same way.

Partnering with Penetration Testing Experts

In a world that is in constant threat of cyber attacks, playing your security by the luck of the draw is a huge risk. Hiring outside penetration testing services provides you with the expertise, capabilities, and scalability not attainable with an internal team.

They become an arm of your team that not only provides protection for your environment but also helps in compliance and helps in cost savings.

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